Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sebastian from Romania

My name is Sebastian Jurj and I am student in VIII class in Scoala Speciala Caransebes .
I like very much to play at ict and work in the etwinning projects because we can have virtual meeting with other friends across europe .
I have one brother . I like to play footbal and basket , to work at ict and listen music.

My name is Csutac Nicolae and I am student in VII class in Special School Caransebes .
I like very much to play footbal .


  1. Marianna from CyprusOctober 13, 2009 at 9:17 PM

    Hi Sebastian!
    How are you? What's your favorite lesson?
    Tell us more about yourself!!!
    I am waiting news!

  2. Raquel and Mario from SpainOctober 22, 2009 at 12:13 PM

    Hello Sebastian!
    How are you?
    What's do you prefer football or basketball?
    Byee! :D

  3. Hey Sebastian! I'm Mikaella from Cyprus.
    How are you?

  4. Hiii Sebastian...
    Happy new year...

  5. Mikaella from CyprusJanuary 19, 2010 at 8:05 PM

    Happy new year!!!! What do you wait from the new year?


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